contemporary folk or progressive folk
This classic album has been released at least 4 times with different track listings. It was first released in 1972 in South Africa. It was then released in 1973 in Europe with a slightly different track list and credited to Jo'Burg Hawk. In 1998 an unofficial CD was released by the Never Never Land label in Japan with a different cover and track list. In January 2004 Retro Fresh released a CD of the European version with bonus tracks.
A Hawk egy johannesburgi öttagú progresszív folk együttes volt.
1971-ben első albumuk, az African Day – Dél-Afrika őrült politikájának finoman álcázott kommentárja volt – sikerén felbuzdulva, majd 1972-ben az iszonyatos Africa She Too Can Cry megjelenését követően Hawk már az ország imidzséve nőtte ki magát.
Ez a klasszikus album legalább 4 alkalommal jelent meg különböző számlistákkal. Először 1972-ben jelent meg Dél-Afrikában. 1973-ban jelent meg Európában egy kicsit más számlistával, Jo'Burg Hawk nevéhez fűzve. 1998-ban Japánban a Never Never Land kiadó kiadott egy nem hivatalos CD-t, más borítóval és számlistával. 2004 januárjában a Retrofresh kiadott egy CD-t az európai verzióból, bónusz dalokkal.
1. Uvuyo (D Ornellas/M Kahn/R Mackay) 3:14
2. Elegy For Eden (R Mackay) 2:41
3. The Rolling Of The Bones (R Mackay) 2:44
4. Dark Side Of The Moon (R Mackay) 2:58
5. War Talk (Kahn/Ornellas) 2:43
6. Africa (Ornellas) 2:50
7. African Day Suite 16:26
I. African Sun (D Ornellas/M Kahn/R Mackay)
II.This Elephant Must Die (R Mackay)
III. Beaters (R Mackay)
IV. Hunt (Ornellas/Kahn)
V. The Elephant Is Dead (R Mackay/A Lerfelo)
VI. Nglovu Ephili (Ornellas)
VII. Yebo Mama (R Mackay)
VIII. Sunset (Ornellas)
Bonus tracks:
8. Orang Outang (Mackay) 3:54 (single a-side 1972)
9. Kalahari Dry (Ornellas) 2:37 (single a-side 1972)
10. Mumbo Jumbo (Mackay) 3:40 (from Live And Well)
11. Hunter (Ornellas) 4:04 (from Live And Well)
12. In My Youth (Mackay/Ornellas) 4:56 (from Live And Well)
Track 7 is a 1972 re-recording of the "African Day" suite from the 1971 African Day album with some revised sections.
Dave Ornellas - vocals
Mark "Spook" Kahn - guitar
Braam Malherbe - drums
Les "Jet" Goode - bass
Julian "Ipi" Laxton - guitar
Ivor Back - drums
Alfred "Ali" Lerfelo - african drums, vocals
Billy "Knight" Mashigo - percussion, vocals
Audrey Motaung - vocals, percussion
Pete Kubheka - vocals, percussion
The download does not work. Workupload reports that the password is incorrect. Do you have any idea what is going on?
Thanks for the information. Corrected! (The language translator was at fault.)
TörlésThank you, everything's fine now. Interisting stuff you offer on your pages. 😊
VálaszTörlésLesser known, old editions and non-commercial performers! This is my goal.